I heard this week how young people should be around happy people just so they can learn how to be happy. Perhaps that is a good idea, and perhaps if twenty-three year old Cho Seung-Hui who killed 32 people and injured 17 at Virginia Tech and then killed himself in the largest massacre in modern times would have learned from an older, more experienced person that happiness isn’t about wealth, or attaining status or fame, but more a practiced state of mind, creating and being fulfilled in your life’s calling---your work and having the love and friendship of your family and friends, this tragedy would have never happened.
This friend who told me this and believes that young people don’t know what happiness is a very happy person. She’s very joyful, yet if you saw her, you would be amazed. She is over 6’ 2”, probably weighs 350 pounds, suffers from grand mal seizures, is disabled and is quite homely. But this same woman took her disabilities and decided to do something about it. She now runs a craft bazaar, makes all her own crafts---unique Barbie doll clothes, kitchen towels, bowling ball holders, doilies, and so much more that is absolutely delightful, like she is. She is one of the most well-loved craftsperson in this community. She doesn’t hold back from doing what she wants. Even her name reflects that. “Stretch” is who she is and she is a stretch from anyone I have ever known.
Psalm 97:11 says Light shines on those who do right. Joy belongs to those who are honest. God wants us to be happy, it is often Him that directs our life’s calling. He will reveal parts of ourselves that we had no idea about, but He knew. When you belong to God, He wants to give you an abundant life. Follow God and follow His plan for your life. God commands us in Philippians 4:4 to be full of joy in the Lord always. I will say again, be full of joy. Every day should be a day filled with joy. If you are practicing Christian values, you will be joyful. Jude 24-25 says God is strong and can help you not to fail. He can bring you before His glory without any wrong in you and can give you great joy. He is the only God, the One who saves us. To Him be glory, greatness, power, and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord for all time past, now, and forever. I wish you God’s greatest blessings and greatest joys for this is life as God as made it for us all. For Cho, I am sure he is eternal hell and for my friend, Stretch, she will be in heaven. As I hope for you and me.
Kelly Cyr
May 11, 2007