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     Issue Jan 2008
     Issue Feb 2008
     => Evil Spirits Get Blind
     => Medicine For The Soul-,
     => Do I Trust In You Lord
     => Going Behind The Veil
     => Shoutlife More Than a Webpage
     => Kelly's Testimony Part I
     => God's Love Poem to Me
     => Vision Casting Part I
     => Even If It Means A Cross
     => Father, Set The Captives Free
     => How Often Do You Say Thank You To God
     => My Dream.. The Secret Door
     Issue Mar 2008
     Issue Apr 2008
     Issue May 2008
     Issue July 2008
     Issue Aug 2008
     Issue Dec 2007
     Issue Nov 2007
     Issue Oct 2007
     Issue Sep 2007
     Issue Aug 2007
     Issue July 2007
     Issue June 2007
     Issue May 2007
     Issue Sep 2008


The Destination! - Issue Feb 2008

Evil Spirits Get Blind by K. Daniel Deen


I saw a dream, In the dream, I am in a place; there is nothing familiar about the place, it is just somewhere. It was dark and there was no one was around me. There was a road before me, which I crossed and started walking toward a small tract of land surrounded by a fence.

While walking I saw an old man with a white beard standing close to the area where I had to go. I could feel and see in his face that he was engaged by Satan and waiting for someone to hurt.  


Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Evil-Spirits-Get-Blind.htm



Medicine For The Soul by Kelly Cyr.


For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Yes, He humbled you by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna, a food previously unknown to you and your ancestors. He did it to teach you that people do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

For just as the heavens are higher than the
earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Medicine-For-The-Soul_%2C.htm


Do I Trust In You Lord by Jolene Eller

Trust, a word we use so easily and flippantly at times especially when people are going through a hard time. The common used verse Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." We often say it but do we really, truly believe these words in our hearts? If so, why are we so stressed and worried? Why do we have ulcers? Why are our fingernails bitten so short our fingers hurt and bleed? God tells us in Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, 

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Do-I-Trust-In-You-Lord.htm

Going Behind The Veil Into Holies of Holy by Pastor Marcelene Murdock

The way we can realize how to get behind the veil with God is we have
to see God's reaction to the people through out the bible.
 Then we will see the things that hinder us from reaching God
 Lets look at Job, he was righteous and obedient in every way to God
(because Job Loved God with all His heart) and all God's ways, but then
satan went to God and the Lord said see my servant Job how righteous he
is, satan spoke and said it was only due to God protecting him.

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Going-Behind-The-Veil-.htm


Shoutlife More Than a Webpage by Deborah

"Shoutlife More Than A Web Page, Our Hidden Treasure" by Deborah

I am sure there are a lot of people who are very familiar with the web site Shoutlife. When I started going to this site I knew something was different. I felt it in my heart with every person I was meeting. I felt predestined to be there,& truly felt this is where God wanted me to be Now you are probably wondering & questioning "How does a web site have anything to do with Gods plan?" I will try & explain why I feel the way I do & what God has revealed to me.
Read more... http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Shoutlife-More-Than-a-Webpage.htm

Kelly's Testimony (Part I) by Kelly Kahron ien awi

Have always tried to write my testimony, but I found it difficult, to put a "life" into words and to be able to get the full meaning. I am so much better at drawing...*smile*

How do you write a testimony? And does anyone really care anyway?

I have had a wonderful life because God was always my center point, a great childhood, because I found God young and stayed with Him, an excellent family and relatives because we all had God in our lives, so what can I say that would mean anything or help another who reads this?

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Kelly-h-s-Testimony-Part-I.htm


God's Love Poem to Me by Kristie Ledford


How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1 NIV


Kristie, I love you with unfailing love, which can only come down from my throne above.

I saw your face before placing you in your mother’s womb; I knew your name for there was no reason to assume.

I have been with you in the darkest of gloom, watching my godly woman grow and bloom.

Kristie, I will never beat, leave or cheat, for I believe you are magnificent.

I created you just for me, regardless of what others see.

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/God-h-s-Love-Poem-to-Me.htm


Vision Casting (Part I) by Carolyn Ward


Vision Casting

In this series, I want to discuss:


Vision Casting

The Seed



Do Not Abort!

Getting Into Position



Vision Casting

I was at a women's weekend retreat recently and the guest speaker asked each person to describe one of our gifts or talents in one word. I prayed silently and asked God to help me come up with one word or phrase that would describe the full spectrum of what He had, over the years, poured into me. He spoke to my heart: "Vision Casting"; something I had never heard before. He did not answer me then, but, has in the past two months been giving me His definition of vision casting.

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Vision-Casting-Part-I.htm


Even If It Means A Cross by Pastor Mosses Mutongole

And he said to all, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake, he will save it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? (Luke 9:23-25 RSV)

We'd like to have a "Tinkerbelle Jesus" — a Jesus who can fix all our problems in our personal lives, then when we die at a ripe old age in our sleep, can sprinkle a little fairy dust on us so we can fly home to God and receive our eternal reward.

Now we really don't like to admit this truth, of course, at least not in those unvarnished and raw of terms. However, if we get really honest with our expectations, that's what we really want. We don't want to have to grow up and find a faith that sustains us through hard times because we live in a broken world where sin mars and bad things happen to perfectly good people.


Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Even-If-It-Means-A-Cross.htm




Father Set The Captives Free by Pastor Emila

...."Father,Set The Captives Free!!!!"....

...."He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water"....John
7:38 -Amplified.
.....Like Moses you must now arise and go! Go to the captives; go to your neighbor, your friends. Don't look back. Don't delay. Fear not for I am with you,My Saints. You are the perfect one for the job ahead.....

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/Father%2C-Set-The-Captives-Free.htm

How Often Do You Say Thank You To God by Jason Patchett


Hey Everyone,

I pray that you are having a blessed New Year so far! I was driving home last night and as I was singing in my car.  God was so good to show me that we can thank Him in all situations!


I just want to encourage you to remember to thank God for everything He's done for you in your life, and even for the hard times that He has pulled (or is pulling) you through!

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/How-Often-Do-You-Say-Thank-You-To-God.htm

My Dream... The Secret Door by Aaron


There was darkness over the whole world. People were wandering blindly through the darkness. I remember seeing the people as they wondered, none seemed to be going the same direction. None seemed to know or care where they were going. In the darkness was this door, which seemed to be floating above the ground. None of the people in the darkness could see the door, for everything was so dark you couldn't see anything. But I saw the door, and it was not very pretty to look at. It had a sign above it that read "Salvation".

Read more … http://thedestinationmag.page.tl/My-Dream-.--.--The-Secret-Door.htm



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