The Destination! - The New Year
The New Year by Pastor Marcelene Murdock
This time of the Year has an important meaning to all people on earth, it is change. Every New Year gives us a feeling of renewal within; and this feeling brings the action of choice to change something in our lives.
On New Years Eve most people make themselves a promise to change something in their lives that will benefit them.
New Years Day that promise begins to unfold and blossom.
There are some who do not complete the promise they made to themselves, but that does not mean failure as one would think. That just means they must keep on trying, for everyone is different and we all handle things in life differently.
To some things come easy and to others they have to strive harder to achieve their goal. But whatever the case may be NEVER GIVE UP; keep on trying to fulfill that promise you made to yourself.
Change is important in our lives as we walk this road in life, it shows us the things that strengthen us within. And yes it also shows us the rights and wrong ways to walk in. We learn from our mistakes and also our successes.
But what's important is every New Year we can all look back and learn what needs to change in our lives. It gives us a beginning moment in time to start and change that part in our life that will benefit us in a good way.
New Years Day, a beginning moment of renewal and change in our lives for the coming days ahead.
To God New Years is very important as well, it has deep meaning to The Lord. I means salvation, read Exodus 12 and that is when God passed over the Israelites and smote the Egyptians. God saved the Israelites from being smitten, therefore Passover means salvation (the act of saving from danger). It also means redemption for it is when God redeemed (To get back or buy back; to recover) the Israelites from bondage, still redemption means salvation.
Even though both have a different meaning the meaning has the same action for to redeem is to recover (get back something that was lost, to regain something) and salvation is to save. Passover is when God went and saved and recovered that which was lost to Him, He saved them from bondage and death and recovered them to Him.
This time is a biblical sacred time (just like the Holy Sabbath or Shabbat) in Gods eyes, and He told the Israelites to ALWAYS celebrate it accordingly.
Passover is also a foreshadow of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ for it was Jesus death and Resurrection that redeemed (bought us back) and saved us. Christ saved us from sin and death, and He recovered us from the bondage of the world of sin and brought us back to God The Father. He purchased us through His death and Resurrection, He recovered that which was lost.
New Year is a time of renewal, redemption, and salvation, a time for new life, a time for change; Wonderful, isn't it?
So this year if you make yourself a promise, strive to fulfill the promise you made. And if you fall from that promise PICK yourself up and start again until you succeed; NEVER GIVE UP.
A taste of History
The original Christian calendar places Passover month as the original first month of the year. According to the Bible and the Gospel Passover month is also the first month of the year, Exodus 12;2.
The early Christians called it Paschal month in those days. The early Christians celebrated Paschal (or the Christian Passover) as they were told to observe this time (Passover time) by the Apostles for Christ is our Passover sacrifice, 1 Corinthians 5:7. This is from the Pre-Nicene era, But know before our calendar changed we celebrated and observed Passover at the same time of the Jewish nation, only we never sacrificed any animals for Christ was our sacrifice; Jesus was the last sacrifice.
Be Mightily Blessed
Pastor Marcelene Murdock
© December 2007