Your Glory Will be Displayed (Poem) by Lisa Beth Jenkins
Righteousness and peace, mercy and grace,
bestowed them all on us, in Your glorious light
and face, You are Holy, and You, are Lord of all.
Let Your power reign in all the land, Let your peace
and joy flow like milk and honey, restore Your people
Oh God, let mercy roll, let justice flow, like billows
of wind across this land blow.
Father, we are Your children, we are the workmanship of You,
You fill us with Your tender love, like the morning dew, so
tender are Your ways, Lord, so much love flows from Your hand,
and we are the sheep guarded, in this mighty land.
So I give all my praise to You, and I honor and worship You,
Oh God, this is my humble plea, work a mighty work in us, that
Your glory all will see, I love You Oh God, and I thank You, for
sending Your Son, to set us free.
Lisa Beth Jenkins c.2007
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