Go Into All The World by Clinton Alexander
In Mark 16:15 Jesus said “Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone, everywhere” (NLT). The church I attend supports 29 global and 5 local ministries. I support these missions financially every month. Though the opportunity has not yet arisen wherein I can go on a mission trip myself, someday I would like to do that also. Until then I continue to support those missions through prayer and finances. If you can see me now, I’m reaching way back and giving myself a great big pat on the back. I sure am one good guy to do all that… When Jesus said “go into all the world” I must have took him seriously.
Wait one moment. What exactly did he mean by “all the world”? Obviously he meant all nations near and far. He also meant your next door neighbor. He also meant your coworkers. He also meant your friends and relatives.
I find it easy to send my monthly missions pledge into my church every month and feel good about having helped to spread the gospel. I don’t always find it easy to talk to those people right here in my own circle of influence. I have an acquaintance whom I have known for about six years. I have never been ashamed of being a Christian, and this person knows that I attend church every Sunday. For the past six years I have told myself that “the way I live my life is the only bible some people will ever read”. With this excuse in mind I have managed not to invite this acquaintance to church… for six years!
Recently while having a short conversation with this person, it came out (quite by chance) that he was attending a “church service” with a friend of his, in someone’s house. I had been telling myself that it would be better not to invite him to church. You see, I wouldn’t want him to think I was weird. In my own odd way, what I had been telling myself was “If I simply live out my faith, without doing or saying anything too strange, then he will eventually get the message”. Though in retrospect, how he was supposed to get the message without me ever telling him remains a mystery.
When I found out that a friend of his had simply invited him to this “home church service”, he had gone, and was now attending regularly, I felt genuinely ashamed of myself. Instantly Mark 16:15 came to mind. Yes, Christ did mean all the nations near and far. He also meant your friends, neighbors, coworkers, and relatives.
This doesn’t mean that he’s calling us to stand on the local street corner holding a sign that reads “The End is Near”. However, if we are supporting missions through our local church while simultaneously neglecting those people in our own sphere of influence, we are missing the point. It’s really not that difficult to simply invite a friend to church.
“Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone, everywhere” (NLT)… and go next door also!